Hawkular UI for Developers

Hawkular UI Development Guide

Hawkular Console

The Hawkular Console is based on Hawt.io 2, which a javascript based client-side framework. Being Hawt.io 2 compatible gives us interopability with other hawt.io consoles such as OpenShift Origin (v3) and Fabric8. The various directories underneath console directory are Hawt.io 2 plugins and the various plugins eventually compose a Hawkular console. The modular approach to creating hawt.io console plugins allows us to create individual plugins that comprise a console or can easily be plugged into other Hawtio based consoles. The plugin system makes it easy to add/remove functionality (even dynamically).

Overall Hawkular UI Architecture

Hawkular UI Architecture

UI Directory Structure

  • console - directory for various Hawkular plugin UIs

The general idea here being hawt.io UIs which are composed of plugins (that can swapped around like legos between the various hawt.io UIs)

Maven Install

The easiest way to build the console is to use maven (inside the console directory):

mvn install

No system Node.js dependencies are needed. Node.js and its related modules are managed by the frontend-maven-plugin. This maven plugin abstracts away all of the node and bower dependencies by downloading them locally and running build from a local directory (no need to install or pollute your java environment with the unsavory characters of node.js and bower). They are downloaded to the build target (./console/target) directory, where the actual Gulp based build process (triggered by the maven plugin) happens.

To save some time during the build process, the downloaded Node.js files and its related modules don’t have to be deleted after invoking the clean target. If you want to persist the node.js related stuff in the target directory, please use the cache profile:

mvn clean -Pcache

In that case, the Node.js is not deleted and doesn’t have to be downloaded again, together with npm modules and bower packages. Be aware, this causes the libraries not being updated, so there could be issues if a library changes..

Hawkular UI Dev Install

Dev Installs allow for live previewing changes as development occurs. Its an interactive environment that allows one to prototype quickly, seeing their changes instantly when they save since the browser refreshes with the changes. Maven is not used for this process. Instead, Gulp build tool is used to build all the typescript/javascript files. For agile development, we’re using the watch feature of the gulp tool. Gulp can watch for changes in source files and update the compiled console accordingly. The advantage of this approach is, that is scans for file changes in the source directory and apply them directly into the target directory ($HAWKULAR_ROOT/dist/target/hawkular-1.0.0.Alpha13-SNAPSHOT/hawkular-1.0.0.Alpha13-SNAPSHOT/), which is suitable for console developing since it doesn’t require the whole maven build to see the actual changes in the console UI.

Assuming that node.js is already installed (can also be installed via rpm or homebrew on mac):

npm install -g bower gulp typescript

You can re-build the console using java-script based Gulp tools. There are only three things to remember for this dev build:

  1. This is done after the maven build and with a running Hawkular server

    1. Build Hawkular: mvn clean install -Pdev

    2. Run Hawkular: cd dist/target/hawkular-1.0.0.Alpha13-SNAPSHOT/hawkular-1.0.0.Alpha13-SNAPSHOT/bin/ then ./standalone.sh

  2. Run gulp commands within gulp-build directory

    1. Goto gulp-build directory: cd console/target/gulp-build/

    2. Run the gulp watcher: gulp watch-server

      1. Hint: when you run gulp watch-server with --production, output Javascript will be minified

  3. Edit your source code at: console/src/main/scripts

  4. Refresh your browser to see the changes! http://localhost:8080/

    1. Hint: when you build with the -Pdev profile a default user is created with credentials: jdoe/password.

The editing of source in one directory and running of gulp commands in another can often be a source of confusion for people using the first time. (this is done to keep the build artifacts out of the source tree)


The bower modules (lib) and node modules npm(node_modules) should already be built but if you need to change or add more, you can optionally run:

npm install

bower install

Integration tests

If you develop new feature and want to be sure that it will be merged, run integration tests which come bundled with Hawkular.

  1. Goto gulp-build directory: cd console/target/gulp-build/

  2. Run the gulp task: gulp test-e2e

    1. Hint: Hawkular UI tests uses protractor higher than 2.x so you need to have node.js higher than 4.x. You can follow this guide on how to upgrade your node.js version.

Directory Structure

  • dist - directory for artifacts that need to published via bower package.

  • plugins - directory containing Hawt.io 2 plugins for Hawkular console. Multiple plugins can be packaged into a single bower component by adding the artifacts to the 'main' section of the bower.json file.

    • metrics - metrics is one plugin there are others

      • ts - the typescript source (angular controllers, directives and services mostly)

      • html - the html views (using angular directives)

      • less - the css LESS files

  • test - directory with tests for UI components

    • e2e - directory with integration tests written in protractor, follow the file structure where fileName.spec.ts contains methods for tests and fileName.e2e.spec.ts contains tests.

The general idea here being that Hawt.io UIs which are composed of plugins (that can swapped around like legos between the various other Hawt.io UIs)

Other Bower Packages

The link profile links other bower packages to hawkular. For example, hawkular-ui-services or hawkular-charts or any other bower package. This is very useful when developing or debugging other bower packages with hawkular. To enable this just set the bower.link.package parameter, i.e.:

mvn clean install -Pdev,link -Dbower.link.package=hawkular-charts

Please, be aware, that you can combine the link profile with other profiles, like the dev profile. Don’t forget to run bower link in the package you’re about to link before running maven link profile.


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