Hawkular Accounts for developers

Consuming Hawkular Accounts


Hawkular Accounts is the Hawkular component that deals with authentication and authorization and is meant to be consumed by other Hawkular components, such as Metrics, Inventory, Alerts and so on.

There are two main facets for Hawkular Accounts:

  • Inner engine, which handles the integration with Keycloak, the permission framework, authorization-related data storage user interface for logging in, persona switcher, organization management and so on.

  • API and helpers for other components, such as CDI providers for authorization and authentication services, hawt.io integration, AngularJS events and so on.

Terms and concepts

See the list of Terms page.

Quick start

Hawkular Accounts handles all the login, logout and authentication for Hawkular, both in the front end and in backend, in a mostly seamless way.


In your backend, you’ll need to add the dependency to the Account’s API:


  <version>2.0.2.Final</version> <!-- Refer to the Accounts project for the most recent version -->

If you are using a standalone backend instead of Kettle, you’ll need to deploy the Hawkular Accounts backend and install the Keycloak adapters and modules. To do that, please refer to the Keycloak’s documentation. You can refer to the distribution module in the Account’s source code for an example on how to accomplish that.

For Kettle, the following needs to be added to the standalone.xsl:


<secure-deployment name="hawkular-accounts.war">
    <credential name="secret"><xsl:value-of select="$uuid.hawkular.accounts.backend" /></credential>

You can refer to the Keycloak documentation for details on what each option does.

Apart from that, you’ll need also to change your web.xml to activate the authentication via Keycloak.

    <web-resource-name>REST endpoints</web-resource-name>




Optionally, and recommended, is the inclusion of a jboss-web.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml to your project, with the following content:


<jboss-web xmlns="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/jboss-web_5_1.xsd">


    version="3.1" impl-version="2.0">


Currently, it’s not possible to fully take advantage of Keycloak’s JAAS provider due to our multi tenancy setup. So, the secured components should add a @PermitAll annotation, to bypass JAAS' permission checking.

After those steps, your backend will start requiring the requests to be authenticated. Requests coming from the UI will include a token that is used by the Keycloak Wildfly Adapter and verified by contacting a Keycloak Server.

After this is setup, you can inject Hawkular Accounts services directly into your managed beans. You can check the samples module from the Hawkular Accounts project. The source below is taken from there, and shows how a REST endpoint might consume Hawkular Accounts main services.

@PermitAll // we bypass JAAS' protections, as we want to perform the checks inside the methods
public class SampleEndpoint {

    @Inject @HawkularAccountsSample
    EntityManager em;

    Instance<Persona> currentPersonaInstance;

     * A managed instance of the {@link PermissionChecker}, ready to be used.
    PermissionChecker permissionChecker;

     * We need the {@link ResourceService} as we need to tell Hawkular Accounts about who created "what". A resource
     * is this "what".
    ResourceService resourceService;

     * For this example, we have four operations. We get an instance of each of them injected and qualified by its name.
    Operation operationCreate;

    Operation operationRead;

    Operation operationUpdate;

    Operation operationDelete;

    public Response getAllSamples() {
        Persona currentPersona = currentPersonaInstance.get();
        CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Sample> query = builder.createQuery(Sample.class);
        Root<Sample> root = query.from(Sample.class);
        query.where(builder.equal(root.get(Sample_.ownerId), currentPersona.getId()));

        return Response.ok().entity(em.createQuery(query).getResultList()).build();

    public Response getSample(@PathParam("sampleId") String sampleId) {
        Sample sample = em.find(Sample.class, sampleId);

        // before returning, we check if the current persona has permissions to access this.
        if (permissionChecker.isAllowedTo(operationRead, sample.getId())) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sample).build();

        // the current persona is not allowed, so, return a 404.
        return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

    public Response createSample(SampleRequest request) {
        Persona currentPersona = currentPersonaInstance.get();
        // for this example, we allow everybody to create a sample, but there might be situations where an user can
        // only create resources if they are allowed access to some other resource.
        Sample sample = new Sample(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), currentPersona.getId());
        resourceService.create(sample.getId(), currentPersona);

        return Response.ok().entity(sample).build();

    public Response removeSample(@PathParam("sampleId") String sampleId) {
        Sample sample = em.find(Sample.class, sampleId);
        Resource resource = resourceService.get(sampleId);

        // check if the current user can perform this operation
        if (permissionChecker.isAllowedTo(operationDelete, resource)) {
            return Response.noContent().build();
        return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();


The frontend is done in a seamless way and other components don’t need to know about the existence of Hawkular Accounts at all. When the application is loaded, the Hawkular Accounts frontend plugin interacts with hawt.io’s OAuth plugin, which in turn interacts with Keycloak’s JavaScript adapter.

Hawt.io’s OAuth plugin adds the authentication token (formally: "bearer token") to the requests going to the backend via an AngularJS interceptor, so, your frontend plugin doesn’t need to do anything.

Hawkular Accounts handles the context switcher for personas, and you might want to register listeners for a couple of events that are emitted from it: CurrentPersonaLoaded and SwitchedPersona. As their names suggest, those events are emitted as soon as Hawkular Accounts detects which persona is the current one (CurrentPersonaLoaded) and as soon as the user has changed the current persona using the "Persona Switcher" (SwitchedPersona).

Persona Switcher at the UI

CLI access

Requests coming from the CLI need to pass the authentication data for an user via CLI, which can be done via basic auth for a context (metrics, alerts, ..) and endpoint :

curl -v http://user:pass@localhost:8080/context/endpoint

To retrieve a list of tenants you would run:

curl -v http://user:pass@localhost:8080/hawkular/inventory/tenant

If this user is impersonating an organization, the organization’s ID should be passed via the Hawkular-Persona HTTP header:

curl -v -H 'Hawkular-Persona: uuid' http://user:pass@localhost:8080/context/endpoint

A list of possible personas for a given user can be obtained via:

curl -v http://user:pass@localhost:8080/hawkular/accounts/personas


Hawkular Accounts publishes a series of events, both in the frontend and in the backend. Interested parties would need only to register for those events accordingly.

Frontend events

On the Hawkular Console, the Accounts plugin publishes the following AngularJS events:

  • CurrentPersonaLoaded : called once a persona is loaded. For instance, when the user has logged in and Accounts have recognized the persona, or when the user has switched from the main persona into an organization. The persona is passed along with the event.

  • SwitchedPersona : called only when the user has switched personas. Example: from the main account to an organization or vice-versa. The new persona is passed along with the event.

  • OrganizationCreated : called when the user has created an organization. No object is passed along with the event.

  • OrganizationRemoved : called when the user has removed an organization. No object is passed along with the event.

Backend events

For modules or components that are deployed as a web application on Hawkular, the Keycloak events are made available via Accounts and can be consumed as both CDI events or JMS messages. Note that one should not register for both CDI events and JMS messages, as it would cause a duplicate processing of the event.

Almost all events from Keycloak are made available for Hawkular components, except:




If your component need to be informed when one of those are triggered, refer to the keycloak-server.json on the Hawkular distribution and change the entry eventsListener accordingly.

Consuming events via CDI

Events are published primarily via JMS. To consume it via CDI, add a dependency on the module org.hawkular.accounts:hawkular-accounts-event-listener and register a managed bean that has a method observing the event org.hawkular.accounts.events.listener.AccountsEvent:

public class AccountsEventListener {
    private final MsgLogger logger = MsgLogger.LOGGER;

    public void accountsEvent(@Observes AccountsEvent event) {
        logger.cdiEventReceived(event.getAction(), event.getEventId(), event.getPersona().getId());


Consuming events via JMS

If you prefer to consume directly via JMS, you can listen the destination topic/HawkularAccountsEvents. On a MDB, the configuration would look like the following:

@MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
                propertyName = "destinationLookup",
                propertyValue = "topic/HawkularAccountsEvents"

                propertyName = "destination",
                propertyValue = "HawkularAccountsEvents"

                propertyName = "destinationType",
                propertyValue = "javax.jms.Topic"

                propertyName = "connectionFactoryJndiName",
                propertyValue = "java:/HawkularBusConnectionFactory"
public class AccountsMessageListener implements MessageListener {
    private final MsgLogger logger = MsgLogger.LOGGER;

    public void onMessage(Message message) {


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