Hawkular Metrics - 2017 Roadmap

A blog post by Stefan Negrea

metrics | release


Just like last year, Hawkular Metrics contributors have been working for the past few weeks on the roadmap for the upcoming year. The goal is to give clarity on the project direction, serve as a planning tool for releases, and show our strong commitment to open source.

For those not familiar with Hawkular Metrics, the project is a high performance and high availability storage engine for large volume metric data. Cassandra is the storage engine because of its flexible data model well suited for time-series data storage and linear scalability with no single point of failure. The distribution includes Hawkular Alerting, an alerts module responsible for defining conditions rules over data events and fire alerts that can be sent by several action plugins.

Review - 2016

First, let's review the progress against the roadmap set at the beginning of last year. Due to the competitive space for metrics, metrics storage, and alerting, the community had to constantly balance the plan execution while reacting to community requests. While the majority of goals set to accomplish were completed, there are some carried over to this year and some indefinitely postponed.

The project was updated to run on Cassandra 3.x in May (release 0.15.0). The native Grafana integration was released in July (release 0.17.0) and it is now an independent project. And lastly, we improved the developer support by creating distributions that include Metrics, Alerting and Cassandra pre-deployed inside Wildlfly to make it extremely simple to download and get the project running.

The pre-computed aggregates were postponed to this year due to the major work done for compressing data at rest released in October (release 0.20.0). The histogram metrics were also carried-over to this year.

Roadmap - 2017

If you have any other suggestion or would like to contribute to the project, please contact us; feedback is more than welcomed.

Published by Stefan Negrea on 07 February 2017


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