What is new in Android Client

A blog post by Anuj Garg

alerts | explorer | hawkular android client | progress

Hello to all. My last post was on March 2016 and after that a lot of things have changed. Well here is progress report of Android client.

Stepwise short points

Below are the steps taken till now.

  1. Tokens are removed as Hawkular no longer use keycloak for authentication.

  2. Filter to allow and hide acknowledged alerts.

  3. Separate activity for detailed alert.

  4. Reading and posting comment on alert.

  5. Inventory explorer is added.

  6. Add and remove favourite metrics.

  7. Jump to associated metric from explorer.

Detailed Alert Screen

Detailed screen for alert get a detailed information about alert, associated resource, trigger that caused it and state of alert etc. Now you can also add comment/note to alerts.

Detailed Alert Screen

Inventory Explorer (List view)

Inventory explorer let the user move across the the feeds, resources and metrics. User can long press to metric to add a metric from explorer view to favourite metrics, Which is then available to home screen. If a single press is made then you are directed to chart view of metric.

Inventory Explorer

Watch the demo online

Visit the recording here:

Published by Anuj Garg on 19 July 2016


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