Getting started with ManageIQ and Hawkular

A blog post by Heiko W. Rupp


This post describes the first steps to get started with ManageIQ master and Hawkular-services.

Setup of ManageIQ

The functionality to support the Hawkular-Middleware provider is not in the Darga-Release. You will need to build ManageIQ from their master branch. There is a good guide on developer setup.

Once you have completed the instructions, you should have ManageIQ available at

Setup of Hawkular-services

Run Hawkular-services with some WildFly servers connected. While it is possible to only run Hawkular-services with the built-in agent enabled, you will get more interesting results if you point other instrumented WildFly servers at Hawkular.


If you are a Docker user, you can follow this route. This uses Docker-compose to stand up Cassandra 3.7, Hawkular-services and a connected WildFly10 server.

Classical route

NOTE You need to have Cassandra set up

The release notes for Hawkular-Services 0.0.5 have a Getting started section that describes how to locally set up Hawkular-services along with the needed Cassandra settings.

To start the hawkular server you should also pass option -Dhawkular.agent.enabled=true to enable the embedded agent.

Start Hawkular server
"${HAWKULAR_HOME}/bin/""${HAWKULAR_USERNAME}""${HAWKULAR_PASSWORD} -Dhawkular.agent.enabled=true"

The endpoint

Going forward we assume that Hawkular-services listens on http://localhost:8080 and has a user/password of jdoe/password defined.

Adding Hawkular as provider in ManageIQ

Log into ManageIQ at http://localhost:3000 with admin/smartvm as user/password.

Then select Middleware from the menu bar on the left and then Providers:

Menu in ManageIQ
Figure 1. Menu in ManageIQ with Middleware section

On that page click on Configuration and choose Add new provider:

Add provider button
Figure 2. Add provider menu entry

Next thing you see is the settings page. Here you need to choose Hawkular from the type dropdown and fill in the host and port and also the credentials. When you are done you need to validate the credentials. If that went well, you can click on add to add the Hawkular provider.

Settings for the provider
Figure 3. Settings to add a new Hawkular provider

This should take a short while and you should then see a screen with a nice Hawkular logo :-)

Overview of Middleware providers
Figure 4. Overview over middleware providers

Clicking on the provider name below the icon then leads you to the so called summary page of the provider where you can see an overivew and have links to managed servers etc.

Hawkular provider summary
Figure 5. Hawkular provider summary

Published by Heiko W. Rupp on 14 July 2016


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