Hawkular Data Mining - Predictive Charts

A blog post by Pavol Loffay

datamining | metrics

I would like to present you functionality of Hawkular Data Mining module.

Hawkular Data Mining module can be deployed in Hawkular and can be used to predict future values of metrics. Predicted values are automatically sent to Alerts where conditions are evaluated and an alert can be triggered.

Time series models

At the beginning, we started with linear regression in Apache Spark. This simple model was a good start. Now we use Holt’s linear trend method which is a variant of exponential smoothing with linear trend. For an alert forecasting it is important to model a trend. ARIMA models were also proposed, however they require stationary time series and periodical recalculation of parameters would have to be done. Which requires all historical data in place. For seasonal time series we plan to use Holt Winters model which is just an extension of the model which is currently used.

Data Mining with Hawkular

Predictions are by default disabled. Enabling can by done by creating Relationship from Tenant to Metric, MetricType or Tenant. Relationship to Tenant enables forecasting of all metrics under given Tenant, to MetricType enables all metrics of given type. Configuration properties at lower levels override uppers.

Configuration has only one property — forecasting horizon in seconds. If a new metric data is available module predicts future values up to the last timestamp + forecasting horizon. Then, the predicted values are sent to Alerts where conditions are evaluated.

Hawkular with integrated Data Mining:
$ git clone -b datamining git@github.com:hawkular/hawkular.git
$ cd hawkular
$ mvn clean install -Pdev
$ dist/target/hawkular-*/bin/standalone.sh
Enable prediction for Heap Used Metric, helper functions.
$ tenant=$(curl -s GET 'http://jdoe:password@localhost:8080/hawkular/inventory/tenant'| grep --color=never -oP 'path" : "\K/t;[0-9a-z\-]+')
$ metric=`feed`'/m;MI~R~%5B'`feedId`'%2FLocal~~%5D~MT~WildFly%20Memory%20Metrics~Heap%20Used'
$ curl -ivX POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'http://jdoe:password@localhost:8080/hawkular/inventory/tenants/relationships' -d '{
    "name": "__inPrediction",
    "source": "'$tenant'",
    "target": "'$metric'",
    "properties": {"forecastingHorizon": 150}

Now, we can query predictions for any time in the future. Of course we cannot get reasonable result for predictions of further future. Confidence intervals widen as the forecast horizon increases. The rate at which the confidence interval widen is a function of the selected model. The prediction API takes the number of steps to the future for which it returns the predicted values. One step is equal to the interval at which given metric is collected. So the number of steps intuitively corresponds to n future measurements.

Get five step ahead predictions for Heap Used metric, helper functions
$ metricId='MI~R~%5B'`feedId`'%2FLocal~~%5D~MT~WildFly%20Memory%20Metrics~Heap%20Used'
$ curl -s GET -H 'Hawkular-Tenant:'`tenantId` 'http://localhost:8080/hawkular/datamining/models/'$metricId'/predict?ahead=5'
Forecast of Heap Used
Figure 1. Blue dashed line represents forecast of 'Heap Used' metric using Holt’s linear trend model.

Chart in the Figure 1 can be found in Hawkular UI from branch datamining.

As Standalone

Hawkular Data Mining can be used also as standalone application. Following snippets of code show how to create a new model directly through Data Mining REST API, insert data and get predictions.

Create model
$ curl -ivX POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Hawkular-Tenant: tenant1' 'http://localhost:8080/hawkular/datamining/models' -d '{
   "metricId": "metric1",
   "collectionInterval": "150"
$ curl -ivX POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Hawkular-Tenant: tenant1' 'http://localhost:8080/hawkular/datamining/models/metric1/learn' -d '[
  {"timestamp": 1, "value": 1},  {"timestamp": 2, "value": 10}, {"timestamp": 3, "value": 20},
  {"timestamp": 4, "value": 40}, {"timestamp": 5, "value": 50}]
$ curl -ivX GET -H 'Hawkular-Tenant: tenant1' 'http://localhost:8080/hawkular/datamining/models/metric1/predict?ahead=5'

What’s next?

  • Improve model - estimate smoothing parameters from historical data

  • Holt-Winters seasonal version, model AR process with adaptive filter

  • Select the most important metrics and tune models for them

Published by Pavol Loffay on 20 January 2016


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