Monitoring Microservices on OpenShift with HOSA

A blog post by Heiko W. Rupp

agent | fabric8 | hosa | obsidian-toaster | openshift

Monitoring Microservices on OpenShift with the Hawkular OpenShift Agent

Monitoring Microservices on orchestrated platforms like OpenShift is a very different endeavor than the classical monitoring of monoliths on their dedicated servers. The biggest two differences are that the services can just be deployed by the schedule on any available server node and that it is possible to have many instances of a single service run in parallel

The Hawkular project is now introducing the Hawkular OpenShift Agent (HOSA), which is deployed in OpenShift as infrastructure level component. Hosa runs on each node to monitor pods for the node and sends the retrieved metrics to Hawkular-Metrics. Hosa may eventually replace Heapster in the longer run.

The monitoring scenario

The following drawing shows the scenario that I am going to describe below

Scenario overview
Figure 1. The Scenario

The numbers in the round blue circles will be referenced below as (n).

As example we are taking Microservices created by the Obsidian Toaster generators and deploy them with the help of the Fabric8 Maven Plugin into OpenShift.

It is not necessary to retrieve the source code from Obsidian Toaster. Any source that can be deployed to OpenShift via the Fabric8 Maven plugin will do.

After getting the source code from the generator, run the respective mvn clean package goals as described in the README of the source (1). If that works well, you can then deploy the result into OpenShift via mvn fabric8:deploy -Popenshift (2). This will create a so called Source to Image (S2I) build in OpenShift which takes the provided artifacts and config files, creates images and deploys them in a pod with associated service etc (3).

The latter is driven by some internal settings of the maven plugin, which also merges in files from src/main/fabric8/. More on that below.

For each JVM that the Fabric8 plugin deploys, it also puts a Jolokia agent in the VM, as you can see in (3). This agent exposes internal JMX metrics via the Jolokia-REST protocol, on a pre-defined port with a default user name and a random password. The data of this pod is also exposed via the API-proxy, so that you can click on the Open Java Console link in the next figure to get to a JMX browser.

Pod in Openshift
Figure 2. A pod in OpenShift

The Hawkular OpenShift Agent

The Hawkular OpenShift Agent (Hosa) runs as part of the OpenShift infrastructure inside the openshift-infra namespace on a per node basis, monitoring eligible pods on that node. The GitHub page has pretty good information on how to compile and deploy it (there are also pre-created Docker images available).

In order for Hosa to know which pods to monitor and what metrics to collect, it looks at pods and checks if they have a ConfigMap with a name of hawkular-openshift-agent declared.

Config Map for Hosa, (4)
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: obs-java-hosa-config.yml  (1)
  namespace: myproject
  hawkular-openshift-agent: | (2)
    - type: jolokia (3)
      collection_interval: 60s (4)
      protocol: "https"
        skip_certificate_validation: true (5)
      port: 8778
        username: jolokia
        password: secret:hosa-secret/password  (6)
      path: /jolokia/
        name: ${POD:label[project]} (7)
      metrics: (8)
      - name: java.lang:type=Threading#ThreadCount
        id: the_thread_count
        type: gauge
  1. Name of the map

  2. Configuration for the agent to monitor matching pods

  3. This is a Jolokia-kind of endpoint

  4. Collect the metrics every 60s. This is a Golang Duration and is equal to 1m

  5. The agent checks for valid certificates in case of https. We skip this check

  6. This is the password used to talk to Jolokia, which we obtain from a secret — more below.

  7. Each metric is tagged with a label name=<project name>

  8. Definition of the metrics to be collected

You can save the above ConfigMap into a file and deploy it into Openshift via oc create -f <configmap.yml>.

Hosa can also grab data from Prometheus style endpoints. In the future we may switch to use this protocol, as JMX is a very JavaVM-centric concept and Microservices may also be created in non-JVM environments like Node.js or Ruby.

Now the question is how do we tell our deployment to use this config map? In Figure 2 you see, that this gets declared as a volume. In order to do so, we need to go back to our local source code and add a new file deployment.yml into src/main/fabric8/ and re-deploy our source with mvn package fabric8:deploy -Popenshift. And as we are doing this, we also want to make sure that the password for Jolokia is not hard coded, but will be obtained from an OpenShift secret

# This gets merged into the main openshift.yml's deployment config via f8 plugin
        - name: hawkular-openshift-agent (1)
            name: obs-java-hosa-config.yml (2)
        - env:
          - name: AB_JOLOKIA_PASSWORD_RANDOM (3)
            value: "false"
          - name: AB_JOLOKIA_PASSWORD (4)
              secretKeyRef: (5)
                name: hosa-secret
                key: password
  1. The magic name of the volume so that Hosa can find it

  2. The name of the config map to use. See (1) in Config Map for Hosa above.

  3. Tell Jolokia not to create a random password

  4. Make OpenShift set the password, which it gets from a secret

  5. The secret to query is named hosa-secret and we want the entry with the name password.

Hosa is getting noticed once you redeploy the application, and will see the volume and will try to start monitoring the pod. Which leaves us with the OpenShift secret.

OpenShift will be stuck in state of "Creating Container" until the secret is added, as it can otherwise not inject the secret’s value into the environment of the container. Unfortunately it does not tell this and just seem to hang.

Creating the secret, (5)

To create a secret that holds our password we need to do two things. First we need to encode the password in base 64 format.

Base64 encoding of the password
$ echo -n "test4hawkular" | base64

And then we need to create a yml file for the secret.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: hosa-secret (1)
type: Opaque
  password: dGVzdDRoYXdrdWxhcg== (2)
  1. Name of the secret

  2. Key is 'password', value is password from previous step

You can deploy that secret with oc create -f hosa-secret.yml.

Display data with Grafana

Now that we have the agent collecting data and storing in Hawkular-Metrics we can look at them with the help of Grafana. Joel Takvorian has described this pretty well, so I am not going to repeat the setup in detail here.

To get quickly started, you can run $ oc new-app And then when the service is created, click on Add route in the OpenShift UI to expose Grafana to the outside world.

To configure the datasource in Grafana, we can now use the namespace of the project and a token

Getting host, tenant and token to configure the datasource
$ oc whoami
$ oc project
Using project "myproject" on server "https://pintsize:8443". (1)
$ oc whoami -t
JhrqvcFTnEuP3XRPrLbwAAfpbZV4hYmne3-JMIXv4LQ (2)
$ oc login -u system:admin (3)
$ oc get svc hawkular-metrics -n openshift-infra (4)
NAME               CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
hawkular-metrics   <none>        443/TCP   12d (5)
# This is an alternative
$ oc get route hawkular-metrics -n openshift-infra (6)
NAME               HOST/PORT
  1. 'myproject' will be the tenant

  2. The token for authentication

  3. OpenShift infrastructure is not visible to the developer account

  4. Get the Cluster-IP of the Hawkular-Metrics service

  5. Cluster-IP is the host part of the https url of the metrics service, which follows the pattern of https://<cluster-ip>/hawkular/metrics

  6. As alternative get the public host from the OpenShift route

We can then use this information to define our datasource in Grafana. If you want you can also make this the default by ticking the respective checkbox. Access mode needs to be proxy, as the service is not visible (under that IP) from outside of OpenShift. Instead of using the OpenShift-internal service we can also use the external IP defined by the hawkular-metrics route.

Grafana datasource setup
Figure 3. Grafana datasource setup

Using a token works well and is quickly done, but it has the caveat that tokens obtained with oc whoami -t will expire and thus should only be used to quickly test if the datasource works.

A better solution is to use a service account (7) instead of the token, which I am going to explain next.

Create a service account, (7)

Creating a Service Account is easy and can be done via oc create sa view-metrics

When you look at it with oc describe sa/view-metrics, it shows a list of tokens at the end:

$ oc describe sa/view-metrics
Name:		view-metrics
Namespace:	myproject
Labels:		<none>

Image pull secrets:	view-metrics-dockercfg-rmnee

Mountable secrets: 	view-metrics-dockercfg-rmnee

Tokens:            	view-metrics-token-t98qw (1)
  1. The token to be used in the next step

Those tokens are actually secrets, that were populated by OpenShift. Inspecting one of the tokens then reveals a token string, that we can use inside of Grafana

Only the Token, which is not the one, that is also listed as mountable secret can be used. The other one will not work and Grafana will report a "Forbidden" message when trying to save the datasource.
$ oc describe secret view-metrics-token-t98qw
Name:		view-metrics-token-vowtw
Namespace:	myproject
namespace:	9 bytes
service-ca.crt:	2186 bytes
token:		eyJhbGciOiJS... (2)
  1. This annotation needs to be present for the secret to be usable

  2. Long token string

Using the token from the ServiceAccount
Figure 4. Using the token from the ServiceAccount


So finally we can see the thread count of our Obsidian sample application:

Thread count
Figure 5. Thread count in Grafana

In the chart we can now see the thread count of our application. You can see that at around 9am we scaled the app from one to two pods.

Published by Heiko W. Rupp on 17 January 2017


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