Hawkular Metrics 0.13.0 - Release

A blog post by Stefan Negrea

metrics | release

I am happy to announce release 0.13.0 of Hawkular Metrics. This release is anchored by Hawkular integration enhancements, under-the-cover refactorings and fixes, and a new bulk data generation tool.

Major Changes

  1. Data Generation Tool

    • A new tool that generates bulk metrics data to be used in performance and load testing.

    • It generates directly Cassandra data files (SSTables), which leads to a very fast generation process for large amounts of metrics data.

    • For more details: Data Generator, HWKMETRICS-355

  2. Receive Metrics via Hawkular Bus

    • When deployed within Hawkular distribution, the project now accepts metrics via the Hawkular Bus; until now only the REST API had support for Metrics insertion.

    • Hawkular Metrics currently support publishing of newly inserted metrics to the bus and receiving metrics via the bus.

    • For more details: HWKMETRICS-347, HWKMETRICS-352

  3. Sorted Stacked Metrics Results

    • When requesting stacked metrics aggregation the result is now ordered HWKMETRICS-353

  4. External Integrations

    • Heapster sink now divides storing to multiple calls. This is an improvement over the initial implementation that had one REST API call per metric (HWKMETRICS-290)

    • ptrans now works with a Hawkular Metrics instance protected by Hawkular Accounts via Hawkular distribution (HWKMETRICS-342)

    • Grafana integration via Influxdb compatible end-point allows connections to a Hawkular Metrics instance protected by Hawkular Accounts via Hawkular distribution (HWKMETRICS-343)

Hawkular Metrics Clients

One of Hawkular Metrics' objectives is to be easy to integrate with; providing language specific clients is an important component for fulfilling this objective. Here is the current list of official clients:


A big "Thank you" goes to John Sanda, Thomas Segismont, Mike Thompson, Matt Wringe, Michael Burman, Libor Zoubek, and Heiko Rupp for their project contributions.

Published by Stefan Negrea on 02 March 2016


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