BTM: Instrumenting an application running from a docker image

A blog post by Gary Brown

btm | docker

This post outlines how to instrument a docker image, to capture business transaction management data and report it to a business transaction management server running in a remote location.

Obtaining an example docker image

To demonstrate the approach, we will use an example docker image associated with a Javascript application running on Vert.x. Either download the complete example distribution from here, and navigate to the docker-examples/vertx-docker-javascript folder, or create a folder in your preferred location with the following two files:

# vert.x docker example using a JavaScript verticle
# To build:
#  docker build -t sample/vertx-javascript .
# To run:
#  docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-javascript

# Extend vert.x image
FROM vertx/vertx3

# Set the name of the verticle to deploy
ENV VERTICLE_NAME hello-verticle.js

# Set the location of the verticles
ENV VERTICLE_HOME /usr/verticles


# Copy your verticle to the container

# Launch the verticle
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(function (request) {
    request.response().end("Wild world");

Next, we should try out this example application so that we know how it works without any instrumentation. (Note: this assumes that you already have docker installed on your system, and the docker daemon is running. If not please see

As described in the Dockerfile comment block, first run the command:

docker build -t sample/vertx-javascript .

and once you have the Successfully built …​ message, run:

docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-javascript

and once you have seen the Succeeded in deploying verticle message, go to a browser and enter the URL http://localhost:8080. This should display the text Wild world.

Creating an instrumented version of the docker image

When instrumenting a Java application, whether a standalone Java app, or components running within an application server, we only need to set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to reference a javaagent jar, and define some properties for contacting the BTM server (i.e. URL and username/password).

When running an application within a docker image, although it is possible to specify environment variables (such as JAVA_OPTS), it is not possible to reference files (i.e. jars) outside of the image. Therefore to be able to instrument an image, we need to create a separate image based on the one we wish to instrument, with the additional steps required to include the javaagent and required properties.

To achieve this, create a separate folder from the image being instrumented, and define the following file:

# vert.x docker example using a JavaScript verticle, instrumented for BTM
# To build:
#  docker build -t sample/vertx-javascript-with-btm .
# To run:
#  docker run -t -i --net=host sample/vertx-javascript-with-btm

# Extend vert.x javascript sample image
FROM sample/vertx-javascript

ENV BTM_URI http://localhost:8180/hawkular/btm

ENV BTM_AGENT=/libs/hawkular-btm-agent-rest-$BTM_VERSION.jar


ENV JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:$BTM_AGENT=boot:$BTM_AGENT -Dhawkular-btm.base-uri=\$BTM_URI -Dhawkular-btm.config.refresh=10 -Dhawkular-btm.username=\$BTM_USERNAME -Dhawkular-btm.password=\$BTM_PASSWORD

Most of the dockerfile is defining environment variable defaults, but the most important steps are the final two, adding the Hawkular BTM agent to the image and then defining the JAVA_OPTS variable to reference it (along with the required properties).

Next we need to build the new instrumented image:

docker build -t sample/vertx-javascript-with-btm .

Once this has been successfully built, we need to start up a BTM server. This can be done by downloading the most recent distribution from, unpacking the distribution and running the following command from the top level folder:

bin/ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100

This starts the BTM server on port 8180, so it does not conflict with the port being used by the instrumented application.

Final step is to run the instrumented example:

docker run -t -i --net=host sample/vertx-javascript-with-btm
Instead of defining port mapping, we have used the --net=host option, to enable the instrumented application to call out to the BTM server running on the host. Also, the default environment variables can be overridden by using the --env option (e.g. --env BTM_URI=http://…​…​).

Finally, once the Succeeded in deploying verticle message is displayed, we return to a browser. If we enter a URL http://localhost:8080/test/app and press return, we should see the same message as before (Wild world).

If we now go to the BTM console (http://localhost:8180/hawkular-ui/btm logging in as jdoe with password password), you should see the entered URL in the Candidates page. This shows that the BTM server has been informed about the business transaction performed on that URI.


This post has shown how any Java based application, defined as a docker image, can be instrumented by defining a derived image that adds the javaagent jar and sets the required properties for communicating with the BTM server.

Published by Gary Brown on 01 December 2015


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