Monitoring a SwitchYard Application using Hawkular BTM 0.1.0.Final

A blog post by Gary Brown

btm | demo

Hawkular BTM 0.1.0.Final is the first release of the Hawkular Business Management project, and therefore currently only provides a minimal level of functionality. However despite the early stage of the project, this post will show how a business transaction implemented using SwitchYard can be monitored across two separate applications using JMS and Web Services.

This post assumes that the Hawkular BTM 0.1.0.Final distribution has been downloaded and unzipped, and the BTM_HOME environment variable setup, as described in the user documentation. The environment being monitored is SwitchYard 2.0.0.Final installed in Wildfly 8.1.0.Final.

For this post, we will be deploying the SwitchYard quickstarts/demos/multiApp example. Once SwitchYard has been installed in Wildfly, follow the instructions in the multiApp/ to deploy the application into Wildfly. Once deployed, stop the Wildfly server.

From a command window in the Wildfly bin folder, run the following commands:

. $BTM_HOME/client/
./ -c standalone-full.xml

Simple as that! Now the Wildfly server, running the SwitchYard application, has been instrumented (using ByteMan) to capture some information relevant for Business Transaction Management. However before performing any transactions we need to startup the Business Transaction Management Server. Go to the BTM distribution’s root folder and run:

bin/ -Dkeycloak.import=standalone/configuration/hawkular-realm.json \

The keycloak.import argument is only required when starting the server for the first time, and initialises Hawkular Accounts (including setting up a default user jdoe with password password).

Now we are ready to perform a business transaction instance. Open a command window in the SwitchYard quickstarts/demos/multiApp folder and run:

mvn exec:java -Pwildfly --settings ../../settings.xml

That should return with a XML document indicating that the order has been accepted.

Now issue the following command, to request a list of business transaction fragments from the Business Transaction Management Server:

curl -X GET -u jdoe:password http://localhost:8180/hawkular/btm/transactions | python -m json.tool

This will generate two business transaction fragments, the first for the OrderService web service, and the second for the JMS application that receives the order and then invokes the OrderService web service. See the full JSON here.

The condensed and annotated version of the first fragment is:

First business transaction fragment
        "id": "9d037fcc-d3fc-4b51-a273-ae05d762ad32", (1)
        "nodes": [
                "correlationIds": [
                        "scope": "Interaction",
                        "value": "d9c727d6-9688-4206-8db5-226fe73abb79" (2)
                "details": {
                    "btm_source": "javax-servlet", (3)
                    "remoteAddr": "",
                    "remoteHost": ""
                "startTime": 1435758196356,
                "type": "Consumer",
                "uri": "http://localhost:8080/quickstart-demo-multiapp/OrderService",
                "duration": 391,
                "endpointType": "HTTP",
                "nodes": [
                        "details": {
                            "btm_source": "switchyard"
                        "operation": "submitOrder", (4)
                        "startTime": 1435758196555,
                        "type": "Service",
                        "uri": "{urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:multiapp:0.1.0}OrderService",
                        "duration": 96,
                        "nodes": [
                                "details": {
                                    "btm_source": "switchyard"
                                "duration": 17,
                                "nodes": [],
                                "operation": "lookupItem", (4)
                                "startTime": 1435758196565,
                                "type": "Service",
                                "uri": "{urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:multiapp:0.1.0}OrderService/InventoryService"
  1. Each business transaction fragment has a unique id

  2. This interaction based correlation id will link this business transaction fragment with the web service invocation in the second fragment below

  3. Each node can provide additional details, which includes the btm_source used to identify the technology that generated the node

  4. This fragment shows one SwitchYard Service (OrderService) calling another SwitchYard Service (OrderService/InventoryService)

The condensed and annotated version of the second fragment is:

Second business transaction fragment
        "id": "bc832ed0-787d-47f0-993d-f37c1ca58b95",
        "nodes": [
                "details": {
                    "btm_source": "javax-jms"
                "startTime": 1435758194986,
                "type": "Consumer",
                "uri": "HornetQQueue[OrderRequestQueue]", (1)
                "duration": 1904,
                "endpointType": "JMS",
                "nodes": [
                    .... (removed nodes associated with camel components)
                        "nodes": [
                                "details": {
                                    "btm_source": "switchyard"
                                "operation": "submitOrder", (2)
                                "startTime": 1435758195245,
                                "type": "Service",
                                "uri": "{urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:multiapp:0.1.0}OrderInput",
                                "duration": 1524,
                                "nodes": [
                                     .... (removed nodes associated with camel components)
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "details": {
                                                    "btm_source": "switchyard"
                                                "operation": "submitOrder", (3)
                                                "startTime": 1435758195310,
                                                "type": "Service",
                                                "uri": "{urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:multiapp:0.1.0}OrderInputComponent/OrderWebService",
                                                "duration": 1454,
                                                "nodes": [
                                                        "correlationIds": [
                                                                "scope": "Interaction",
                                                                "value": "d9c727d6-9688-4206-8db5-226fe73abb79" (4)
                                                        "details": {
                                                            "btm_source": "java-httpurlconnection",
                                                            "http_method": "POST"
                                                        "duration": 35,
                                                        "endpointType": "HTTP",
                                                        "startTime": 1435758196129,
                                                        "type": "Producer",
                                                        "uri": "http://localhost:8080/quickstart-demo-multiapp/OrderService"
  1. The business transaction is initiated by a message being received on a JMS queue

  2. A SwitchYard Service is called which then invokes a SwitchYard Reference with a web service binding

  3. The SwitchYard Reference is currently recorded as a separate Service node

  4. HTTP invocation with the matching interaction correlation id, linking this Producer node with the Consumer node in the first business transaction fragment


These two business transaction fragments show how a business transaction instance can be traced across JMS, Apache Camel, SwitchYard and HTTP (Web Service), with the two fragments being correlated based on an ID shared between the HTTP Producer and Consumer nodes.

Feel free to try out the release for yourself on your own applications. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us on these channels.

If you have suggestions for features/enhancements, or find any bugs, then please log an issue in the project jira.

Published by Gary Brown on 01 July 2015


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