Hawkular-Monitor Agent

A blog post by John Mazzitelli

agent | hawkular | wildfly

The Hawkular Monitor agent is in good enough shape now to be able to blog about it.

The Hawkular Monitor agent is a Wildfly subsystem extension deployed as a module inside Wildfly. At the time of writing, this currently works in Wildfly 8.2 Final.

You define what metrics you want to collect and what availabilty checks to make by adding metric sets and avail sets to standalone.xml. You could also use the JBoss CLI to do this, rather than directly editing standalone.xml, if you wish.

A sample configuration is found here.

An example of a metric to be collected is:

<metric-dmr name="heap.used"
            attribute="heap-memory-usage#used" />

This defines a metric named "heap.used" which is the heap memory used by the WildFly VM. The metric will be collected every 30 seconds.

Here is an example of an availability check:

<avail-dmr name="app-server"
           upRegex="run.*" />

This will look at the WildFly’s "server-state" and if its value matches the regular expression "run.*" then this availability check will report UP. Otherwise, it will report DOWN. If no upRegex is provided, then some simple heuristics are performed to determine the availability status (specifically if the value is a number then a 0 is considered DOWN and non-zero is considered UP; otherwise, if the value is the string "up" or "ok" (case insenstive) it is considered UP, otherwise it is considered DOWN.)

The full XML Schema for the Hawkular Monitor agent subsystem configuration can be found here.

Currently, what can be monitored or checked for availability is any resource in the WildFly management hierachy (in the same WildFly where Hawkular Monitor agent is deployed). Future development is underway to allow the Hawkular Monitor agent to monitor resources in remote WildFly instances, as well as remote JMX resources.

Today, you have the option to store the metric and availability data directly to a Hawkular-Metrics instance or to a Hawkular ecosystem (this is the <storage-adapter> definition). As the Hawkular ecosystem is built out (specifically, as inventory is brought into the picture), a fuller integration with Hawkular Monitor agent will be possible.

If you have any questions on this, or suggestions on what features we need to add or enhance, please ping us on the #hawkular freenode chat room or send an email to the hawkular-dev mailing list.

How To Build

  1. Clone the source code

  2. Build via Maven: "mvn clean install"

    • The Wildfly module that houses the Hawkular Monitor agent will be found in a zip file under hawkular-agent/hawkular-wildfly-monitor.

  3. Unzip the Hawkular Monitor agent into whatever Wildfly 8.2 instance you want.

    • Alternatively, you can use the Maven wildfly-extension-plugin to do this:

      • cd hawkular-agent/hawkular-wildfly-monitor

      • mvn -Dorg.hawkular.wildfly.home=/source/hawkular/kettle/target/wildfly-8.2.0.Final/ clean install wildfly-extension:deploy

      • Notice the above command installed Hawkular Monitor agent inside my Hawkular Kettle build

DMR Client

A standalone library has been included in the hawkular-agent repository that can be used to talk to a WildFly’s management interface via a more strongly-typed API that sits above the DMR API. The DMR Client provides this capability in a single-jar library. The Hawkular Monitor agent uses it, but since it is a standalone library, anyone that wants to talk to WildFly’s management interface can use it. Currently, its snapshots are released on Nexus which you can find here.

A simple example of its usage is as follows:

import org.jboss.as.controller.client.ModelControllerClient;
import org.hawkular.dmrclient.Address;
import org.hawkular.dmrclient.CoreJBossASClient;

// ...

ModelControllerClient mcc = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create("myhostname", 9990);
// now use the hawkular-dmr-client library
try (CoreJBossASClient client = new CoreJBossASClient(mcc)) {
    // get version of the wildfly instance from DMR root resource "/"
    String rv = client.getStringAttribute("release-version", Address.root());

    // get install directory of the WildFly instance from DMR resource "/core-service=server-environment"
    String hd = client.getStringAttribute("home-dir", Address.parse("/core-service=server-environment"));
} catch (Exception e) {
    // do something about the error

You no longer have to worry about how to build DMR ModelNodes in the correct format to perform these kinds of operations. The Hawkular DMR Client API will build the ModelNode requests and process the ModelNode responses for you.

CoreJBossASClient is one of several strongly-typed API objects that extend JBossASClient. Others can be used to access common resource types in the DMR hierarchy, such as DatasourceJBossASClient which can be used to manipulate datasources.

Published by John Mazzitelli on 14 April 2015


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